The Many Flavors of Coffee

Shawn E. Presley
4 min readJun 10, 2024


It’s Monday morning. No matter how much sleep I get, I’m still tired on the first morning of the week. I turn to my hot, dark, bitter friend for that morning lift during these drowsy days. It soothes my soul as I ease into the day. However, there is a universal question when it comes to coffee drinking.

How do you drink it?

Most people I know think of drip coffee they make at home when thinking of coffee. Or they drink that caffeinated, burnt grog in the office or the cutely named concoctions at the nearby Starbucks. However, there is a large variety of coffee drinks out there, and they can also be made at home with the right equipment. Let’s dive into the different ways we all can enjoy coffee.

Types of Coffee Drinks

Behold a visual representation of many types of coffee drinks available for making and tasting:

Available for sale at

There are so many more kinds of coffee drinks out there. I encourage you to try as many as possible, such as this beautiful drink:


An at-home coffee brewmaster will need more than the standard drip coffee maker to make the above coffee drinks. To know what you need, let’s talk about the different types of coffee makers, including the ones I own in bold.

  • Drip Coffee Maker
  • Pour-Over Coffee Maker
  • Single-Serve Capsule Coffee Maker (K-Cup/Pods)
  • French Press Coffee Maker
  • AeroPress Coffee Maker
  • Cold Brew Coffee Maker
  • Espresso Coffee Maker
  • Stovetop Coffee Maker
  • Grind and Brew Coffee Maker
  • Turkish Coffee Maker (Ibrik)
  • Steeped Coffee/Instant Coffee
  • Vietnamese Coffee Maker (Phin)
  • Siphon Coffee Maker
  • Percolator Coffee Maker

My espresso machine is the most used piece of equipment in my house when it comes to making coffee. I use it almost daily since I like to drink espresso. It is also necessary because, thanks to Cafe Du Monde, I am required to make my better half, Decaf Cafe Au Laits.

An espresso machine is a must to make many of the drinks shown in the Types of Coffee illustration. While espresso machines can be expensive and complicated, they also have reasonably priced models and are easy to use. If you are new to espresso machines, I recommend the Breville® Barista Express™ BES870XL Espresso Machine. The device is easy to use, has a built-in grinder to store beans, and has a powerful steamer that comes in handy for dispensing hot water for tea, hot chocolate, and steaming/foaming milk.

Coffee Tips

No matter how good the equipment or how pure the water is, a cup can easily be ruined without the proper coffee. Coffee is one of those things in life for which quality is far more important than quantity or price.

Here are my tips for making a great-tasting cup of coffee:

  1. Find a great coffee brand. I will always say purchase Black Rifle Coffee, but other good brands exist. It’s important to experiment, so don’t be afraid to branch out.
  2. Coffee roast matters. I personally like a good, strong coffee since I drink mine black (no cream, milk, sugar, or additives). To get that desired effect, I always buy a dark or extra-dark roast. I wouldn’t recommend going below a medium roast; light roasts just don’t work for me.
  3. Buy whole beans. While ground coffee is convenient, it loses flavor much faster. Instead, invent in a coffee grinder and an airtight container to store your beans.
  4. Plan and brew only what you need. This is where a single brew system is sound.
  5. Read, watch, and experiment. Like recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there are plenty of coffee recipes, too. Expand beyond the normal.
  6. If you have the space, make a dedicated coffee bar. Even if you don’t use them, get essential ingredients to enhance coffee, such as different sugars and spices, honey, syrups, etc. It will impress your family and friends when they come to visit.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to enjoying that fine brew you created, do your best not to let it go to ruin by putting it in a styrofoam or paper cup. If you are going to stay home, have a tremendous ceramic or glass mug. Get a great travel mug if commuting or road-tripping. If you are a technology lover, look at getting an Ember. I have one for the home office, one of the best Christmas gifts I have ever received.

Have a great day!



Shawn E. Presley

Texan, USAF Veteran, Gen-Xer, and University of North Texas alumni